Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Spring Break is about to come.... are you ready?!?! If you don't have enough money to go on a long vacation here are some things you can to do to have a wonderful Spring Break for 2010:

1) Volunteer @ an Animal Shelter, Tutoring, or a Bingo Day with the elderly

2) Scavenger Hunt

3) Drive-In Movie

4) Picnic at the Park & Play Time on the Playground

5) Start a Scrapbook

6) Amusement Park Day

7) Cook a new recipe

8) Make a killer dessert

9) Reorganize your closet for Spring and Summer

10) Rearrange your room

11) Paint

12) Plant Flowers or a Garden

13) Get a team together for baseball or kickball

14) Read a new book

15) Create a blog

Whatever you choose to do, you have the power to make your Spring Break Rock!!!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New Hobby for 2010

Here is a thought... would you like 2010 to be different than any other year?!?! I'm going to make a change and I challenge you to as well, make 2010 different! Start a new hobby, a small business, or do something out of your element. Try something that you have always wanted to do, but you have been too scared to try. Life is to short... make 2010 the year of possibilities! Good Luck and Best Wishes on your new journey!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Healthy Tips for your Thanksgiving Lunch or Dinner!

Did you know that the average person can eat 2000 calories or more during their thanksgiving lunch or dinner?!?! I know all that food is calling your name, but in order to fit in your jeans after you eat keep some small tips in mind:

Make sure that you are not going to your Thanksgiving Lunch or Dinner hungry
– have small healthy snacks throughout the day so that you aren’t overeating at one meal.

Thanksgiving is not an all you can eat meal – make sure that you remember that you will eat again. Also a lot of times people over eat because they only have this meal once a year, in order to not overeat at Thanksgiving make the sides and meal more than once a year so you won’t gorge and be miserable.

Shake off the Skin – If you want to cut calories easily eat your turkey without the skin, this is better for you and it still tastes great!

Side Dishes, watch your size!
– Even with the holidays moderation is the key… make sure that you are having smaller portions of sides. You want to be able to try different sides so having small quantities will allow you to do that very thing!

Drink plenty of water- Water makes you feel full faster and if you have water you will save calories that you would have wasted on cokes and other beverages.

Hopefully these tips will help you at your wonderful Thanksgiving meal this year!!! Have a great and Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Need Weekend Plans

Do you need weekend plans? Try something new… here are some ideas. Since the holidays are coming make Thanksgiving center pieces or name cards for your Thanksgiving guests, make Christmas ornaments, or if you are really talented try to sew stockings. If you can’t sow stockings get a plain stocking and decorator stockings as a family. Try to do different hobbies and crafts that would make memories for this holiday season and for years to come. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What are you thankful for?

This time of the year is a perfect time to reflect on what you have been blessed with. I challenge you to make a list of all the things that you are thankful for. Think above and beyond, here are some things to be happy for:

Being Alive
Being Healthy
Being blessed with a Family & Friends that love you
Being an American
Having Shelter
Having Food to Eat
Being able to enjoy different types of entertainment: Movies, Sports, Hobbies, & Etc
Having clothes to wear
Having freedom of religion
Having freedom of speech
Being able to go to school to become more educated
Being able to have dreams that you can strive after and achieve
Being able to vote
Being able to have favorite foods, restaurants, colors, activities, and etc
Being able to love other people
Being able to attend a great church

Friday, November 6, 2009

Don't Get Pounds as a Gift This Year!

Do you ever feel like you gain a lot of weight during the holidays? Well the average person gains around 5-10 pounds in the months of November – January. The holidays are so easy to gain weight during, and no one wants to diet during the holidays so in order to keep your great shape for these next couple of months get on top of your game and follow these 5 easy tips:

1. Go in with a good attitude and mind set

Everyone always says that they will work off the weight as a new year’s resolution so they go into Christmas thinking that they will eat anything and everything. Not a good plan. Also many people say they aren’t go to eat any goodies and that can’t happen either. Make good choices don’t eat the whole dessert just think of the word moderation!

2. Turkeys are suppose to be stuffed, not you

At every meal aim for a comfortable feeling of satisfaction rather than getting to the stage where you need to loosen your waistband and you are miserable. Watch your calories and try to still have 6 small healthy snacks/meals so you don’t over eat at one setting.

3. Don’t give up exercise

It is hard to go to the gym at this time, but this is the perfect time to exercise. You will be with family at these times so make exercise fun, play sports, go on walks, and even have exercise competitions to play against each other and burn fat at the same time!

4. Out of Sight, Out of Mind

If you are baking a lot for the holidays or you have been given many great goodies, make sure that they are out of sight. Many times if something is out to eat people tend to eat more than if the goodies were put away out of sight.

5. It’s Christmas…. All is Calm

Try and keep calm over Christmas. As stress levels rise, so does our tendency to eat for comfort. Also remember at the end of the day that you are one person and so you need to make sure you are taking care of yourself while you are trying to make Christmas fun for everyone else. At the end of the day enjoy what you have and don’t think about what you didn’t get or get done. Instead of turning to food when you are stressed turn to a good movie, good book, a bubble bath, a walk, or something that relaxes you.

I hope that you will take what we have discussed to heart and that you will enjoy this time it only comes but once a year!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Saving for Christmas Shopping

So its right around that time of year… time for thinking about the holidays. Since the holidays are getting closer and closer and you want to be able to purchase the perfect gifts for your friends and loved ones keep these two tips in mind:

1) Start Saving – Since the holidays are an expensive time start planning ahead. Set aside money in an envelope or account every week so by the time you go shopping you will have extra money that is planned out for the holidays.
2) Discounts & Savings – Why start your shopping in December? Try to find sales earlier in the year and save them for Christmas. This way you are not stressed closer to the holidays and you will have the gifts that you wanted to buy for a cheaper price.

In all enjoy this time of year and make sure that you are eliminating your stress in every way possible! Remember this is the most wonderful time of the year!!!