Thursday, July 30, 2009

Fun Dates - TRY IT!

What a new idea for a date!??! How about being spontaneous?!?! Here is an option for a fun and full of life date:

Buy a 2 throw away cameras and have a friend make a scavenger hunt up for you and your date with a couple locations. Your date will go to his places and take pictures and you will go to your places and take pictures. At the end of your scavenger hunt you will meet each other for lunch or dinner…. Have a picnic once you meet or eat things that you picked up a long your way on your hunt! Later after you eat you can get the pictures you took on the date developed and look at them on your next date.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ten Years From Now

Someone always asks: where will you be ten years from now? I think that we all try to picture our lives where we will be ten years from that present moment. I say why don’t we do more than that? Instead of saying I would like to have two degrees and a dog, let’s do it. If you want to graduate with two degrees in ten years start doing little things today to get there. I know we all want a genie in a bottle to grant our wishes but that is never going to happen. In order to accomplish what you would like to have in the future make daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals. That way you can mark off what you have accomplished and you might be able to achieve what you set your mind to before the due date!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Money, Money, Money - SaViNgS!

Do you even wish that you had more money???? I know I do. I have a challenge for you. In order for you to have money in the long run, why not save money today for your future? I know that it is hard with this economy to save money when you want to shop, you have to pay for things, or whatever but I have a challenge for you. Every pay check put 10% back into savings. Within a year you will have lots more money in savings for your future.

If you can’t put 10% back try something new. Make a goal to find at least one penny a day; by the end of the year you will at least have an extra $3.65.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Take Time For You!

As you are busy with school, extracurricular activities, and possibly work make sure that you take time for you. Do things that make you happy, buy something new, and try a new hobby. Live for today; know that every moment is a gift so make it a great present! J

Friday, July 24, 2009

Hats... the new weekend ideas!!

Do you ever have trouble figuring out what you are going to do for a Friday or Saturday night? If you and your friends can’t figure out what would be best to do for the evening…. get a hat. In the hat put ideas of things that you can do in your city. You can have a hat for food options and a hat for activities. After you have your hats think of all the places that you and your friends like to go to get dinner and all of the things that you like to do for fun. The catch is you can only draw once from each hat. Whatever is on the piece of paper are your new plans!! It makes the process of choosing a whole lot easier and it’s a lot of fun!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I always say to make the most of everyday…. That means everyday should be filled with happiness… So I say make sure that you end every day with chocolate or cheesecake that way if you haven’t had the best day you will always have something to look forward to at the end of your day!

Monday, July 20, 2009


So many people dread Mondays... Why?!?! It is another day that you have been able to wake up and live so make it count. Instead of having the mindset that you hate Mondays think about it as what it is a brand new start to a new week. Last week is gone, good or bad so make the most of this week. It can be a totally new and different week for you, branch out, do something new! Start a new workout plan, start a new hobby, cut your hair, paint you nails green, MAKE MONDAYS FUN!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


The weekend is approaching so keep this in mind this weekend!

Instead of doing the same thing this weekend……jazz it up! Have a slumber party, play your favorite board games that you haven’t played in a while, get a group of people together and go play kick ball or try roller skating. Get with your BFFs and make a new club, create shirts to go along with the theme, and then do something fun and different. It will be worth the time spent and you will bond over that time while creating a memory.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Peer Pressure

In everyday situations you are going to come into contact with decisions. Decisions to follow the crowd and make a choice that could harm you, harm others, ruin a reputation, make you sad, or even let down your parents, family, and friends. Strive to be different. Though you think that you might be the only one that feels like you are not following the crowd …… You AREN’T the only one. It will be hard to stand alone but in the end it will be a decision that you were glad you didn’t make. Make sure that you are true to yourself! The crowd that may want you to partake in peer pressure is probably not going to be your best friends or the crowd you hang out with or want to hang out with in a couple of years anyway. So be strong, be bold, be YOU!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Group Dates

Go out as a group…. This way you have lots of friends to hang out with and you aren’t tied down to only one person. Things are more fun as a group and if you find someone you want to date, chances are if you group dated you started out as friends.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Take time today to laugh. Life can be too serious; my challenge for you is to take ten minutes out of your day to laugh. Watch a funny comedian, hang out with funny friends, listen to a crazy song, or just laugh at a good or bad day. I promise it will make you feel better.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Negative - Nonsense!

What good comes out of being negative? Is joy brought into your life or another person’s life when you are negative? Would the world be a better place if everyone was hateful or negative? NO… so STOP… make today a different day. Try to be positive. Have a goal of making a difference throughout your day for you and everyone you come into contact with. Have a good positive day and make it count!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Did you remember? 4th of July!

Did you take time this weekend to celebrate being an American? You are able to enjoy the life that you live because someone gave their life and freedoms for you. We are blessed to live in a country that has the privileges and opportunities that we have. When you had your cookout, watched fireworks, swam, hung out with friends and family did you remember the men and women that gave their all for your 4th of July celebration. Freedom is never free!